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JavaScript and cookies

Using JavaScript, cookies can be accessed from the browser, from a CGI program, and from server side JavaScript. The first two methods are examined here.

In the Browser

Cookies in the browser revolve around the JavaScript window.document.cookie property that first appeared in Netscape Navigator 2.0. This property is unlike other JavaScript object properties for a number of reasons:

  • It isn't really related to its parent object, in this case the document object.

  • Although it's singular in name, it holds all the visible cookies—but it's not an array.

  • If you set the cookie property, its new value won't always match what you set it to.

The property's contents (it's a string) doesn't even look complete—what's going on? An example value:

  bookmark1=face.htm; my_id=541263; quote=Et%20tu,%20Brutus

The 'cookie' property is really just a service point for managing the browser's cookies. It doesn't directly represent the current cookie data. This is different to the other properties in JavaScript, such as the forms array which exactly matches each <FORM> tag. When you set the 'cookie' property, your data is handed to the browser's cookie management software. When you read the 'cookie' property, you get a report in a single string of the cookies that are currently visible and unexpired for the current window's domain and path. Only name and value attributes are supplied in this report.

This means that when looking for a specific cookie, you must pick the 'cookie' property's string apart. You can't know when a cookie expires or will be visible without explicitly re-setting it. When setting a cookie, you must use a string in a specific format. That format is:

  [name]=[value]; expires=[date]; path=[directory]; domain=[domain-name]; secure

The items in brackets are supplied by you—leave the brackets themselves out. Each semi-colon separated item is optional, except the first. The '[value]' part must be run through the escape() function first. The date for 'expires' requires the exact format that the toGMTString() method of the Date object produces:

  // example date: 'Mon, 13 Oct 1997 12:40:34 GMT'

Managing cookie strings can be maddening because of the way they work with document.cookie. Fortunately Bill Dortch solved much of the problem for everyone. This URL contains SetCookie(), DeleteCookie() and GetCookie() routines that do most of the hard work. The URL can easily be converted into a .js file.

In CGI Programs

Sometimes CGI programs are responsible for a URL's content. A CGI program is called at the end of a URL request, so it can read the cookies that the browser reports. A CGI program also produces the URL response, so it can set cookies that the browser will remember.

This example is standalone JavaScript written in ScriptEase 4.0. It is launched from a .BAT``DOS file, is intended as a CGI program, and shows cookie reading and writing:

  @echo OFF
C:\local\install\ScriptEase\win32\secon32 %0.bat > %OUTPUT_FILE%

// JavaScript script starts here

var this_moment = new Date;

var all_cookies = Clib.getenv('HTTP_COOKIE');   // Received from browser

// Output HTTP/URL Response Headers
// puts() is like document.write()

Clib.puts("Set-cookie: test_name=test_data;\n");   // Sent to browser in header
Clib.puts("Date: " + this_moment.toGMTString() + "\n");
Clib.puts("Content-type: text/html\n\n");

// Output HTML

Clib.puts("Cookie report from browser:<BR>");

// JavaScript script ends here


This example does not use the customized-for-CGI ScriptEase JavaScript interpreter, because it is easier here to see the 'raw' response headers that include the cookie data. The line containing 'Set-cookie' shows a new cookie being sent to the browser, called 'test_name'. The format for this line is usually the same as that written to the 'document.cookie' property (see above). The line containing 'getenv' shows the CGI program reading the cookie information sent by the browser. The web server puts it in an environment variable, usually in the same format as is read from the 'document.cookie' JavaScript property

Notice the 'Date:' header line. If cookie headers are added with an expiry date, the 'Date:' header tells the browser what the time was in the CGI program when the expiry was set. This helps the browser avoid becoming confused about when the cookie should expire.

Because of differences between Web servers, the CGI headers in this example may need subtle changes for a specific server even though the style shown here is quite standard.

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